One of the best parts about digital marketing is the multitude of ways you can learn it (and for free).

After all, it’s an industry born on the internet, so there’s thousands of free websites, podcasts, and YouTube content that can teach you new marketing skills.

Each of these of these marketers have their own specialties and niches, so watch a few of them for a well-rounded look at marketing.

Adam Erhart

Adam Erhart is an up-and-coming marketing YouTuber that focuses on how-to guides and roundup video in content and social media marketing.

Each of his videos start from the basics, going as far as giving you an explanation of what the type of marketing is. This means that you don’t need a marketing background in order for them to make sense.


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Jordan Steen

Jordan Steen’s videos focus on helping you make money with social media.

His videos range from tips on starting a social media agency to how-to videos on how to perform a social media audit. This gives you the background you need to jump into the digital marketing field and monetise your skillset.

Marley Baird

Marley Baird’s shares actionable social media tips on YouTube.

Each of her videos cut to the chase and give you an in-depth look at a new marketing skill or social media growth method. For example, Baird discusses how to repurpose your content for maximum reach.