How to learn the time, cost, and even value for your next project… before you start!? The last thing you want is to start a project and find yourself spending thousands of dollars and not moving towards the outcome you’re looking for.

Are you considering a new project, but uncertain on the cost, the timeline, or other essential factors? Working on a project is risky. That’s where a Marketing Discovery Workshop comes in.

My job is to give you direction on your project so you know if what you're planning on doing is what you actually need to do.

A Marketing Discovery Workshop is an opportunity for the two of us to meet, discuss your current situation, review the outcomes you’re looking for, and determine the best options to get you moving from where you are to where you want to be.
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We begin bridging the gap between the outcomes you have in your head (more traffic, more sales, increased revenue, better image) and the projects to implement.

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You walk away with a handful of new ideas (as a result of us working together) that will get you even closer to the outcomes you're looking for.

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You reduce the risk surrounding your project by discussing the outcomes you're looking for, your current situation, and any risks or assumptions surrounding the project.

At the completion of the Discovery Workshop, you’ll receive a number of deliverables to help enhance your understanding of the project you need:

  • An overview summarizing the major takeaways of our meeting
  • A recording of our conversation for you to reference
  • A written report offering my insight and expertise on the best options for your business as you move forward
  • A proposal for implementing the best options for your business

Most importantly, the deliverables from this Discovery Workshop are portable. What you receive will get you closer to where you need to be.